Get The Damn Attention

It is time to transform your Social Media intro an Attention Attraction Machine - Don't spend hours watching content, instead create content and be in the forefront of your potential client's mind. This podcast will give you incredible insights and practical hacks to elevate your social media strategy , period!

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Tuesday Jul 30, 2019

In this quick podcast, i go over the two reasons why you are not posting content on IG and Youtube weekly.

Saturday Jul 20, 2019

We live in incredibly amazing times - If you do not choose to embrace these technologies and get your content our there - there may not be a business for you in the near future!

Thursday Jul 18, 2019

Most professionals tell me they don't know what to post, here are three ideas for each Realtors, Mortgage brokers & Insurance Agents - This is wha I would do starting today!

Monday Jul 15, 2019

Here is what you should not post!

Saturday Jul 13, 2019

This is quick overviews of the three types of social media accounts that you see in this industry, hint: 2 are terrible and one is great!
To see more go to

Get The Attention - Intro!

Friday Jul 12, 2019

Friday Jul 12, 2019

Welcome Everyone, this is an intro - I am so excited to have this starting and I aim to provide you with an immense amount of value every single week.
Realtor? Mortgage Broker? Insurance Agent?  you need to grab your social media by the horns and get this going -

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